Daily Archiv: Friday - 01 March 2024

Everyone likes old video-games

Today, video-games are developed in graphics and fable aspects. Unfortunately, progress in playability descend into 2nd or 3rd plan. I don’t mind that games producers chosen that way. Technological progress given an opportunity to work on other games surfaces. Of course, it don’t applied to all of the newest games but major part of them are very neglected in this regard. Players make out that game developers are focused on special  effects and advanced fable so their sometimes leave their Xboxes, PlayStations, Wiis and PCs and back to the past.

The past means old games that we still love. Everyone knows Mario Bros or similar games. Part of arcade games also are still popular and we can play those games in very simple way. We even don’t need old consoles or arcade cabinets. Of course, playing using NES or Atari born great remembrances but minority of us have access to old consoles and original carriers.

But there is a lot of websites, which offer online gaming. Most of games, this sites include, are classical releases like Mario Bros or Sonic The Hedgehog. Interestingly, that those games are fully mapped. It’s an effect of emulation using special kind of programs. It’s great chance to restore big popularity of forgotten, but excellent games.

If you want to feel as video-game player from the 80′s or 90′s, there is simple way to do it. You just need to visit auctions portals and try to buy NES or other console. Many of them are in great condition and prices aren’t too high. It’s an excellent idea for a gift for video-games maniac.